Best ideas
Builds the future
Innovation Venture Farm invests,
accelerates, and builds startups
Who are we
We’re a team of hands-on experts in business development, product development, marketing, and more, ready to help founders get their startups off the ground.

Mehdi Sanjari

Omid Sharifi

Kate Withers Hess

Amir Jafari
How it works .
We identify opportunities
The startups we build have unique characteristics and operate in various fields, but they all follow a similar structure.
We work with creative founders
We are always looking for creative and talented founders to work with us. Our founders work in different fields, but their common denominator is self-belief, creativity, perseverance, and desire to grow.
We turn ideas into startups
It starts from the business development stage, and we develop the product prototype centrally and participate in forming the startup expert team.
We are with our startups until the end
Our experts are with the startup until they attract capital. Still, we will always maintain our close partnership with them to complete the growth stages of the startup.
The opportunity we create .
We grow innovation teams who are eager to develop their ideas. We collaborate with innovators and provide the necessary mentoring and assistance in developing their businesses and finding investors through our network.
Startup development stages
Market Research
| Ideation
| Validation
Business Planning
| Startup Acceleration
| Marketing and Branding
Product Design
| Prototyping
| Testing and Analysis
Investment Attraction
Our latest news .
Unleash the Future of Innovation at the Next Generation Startup 2023!
Mark your calendars for August 26 & 27 as we transform the prestigious Royal Continental
Next Generation StartUps 2023
Ready to take your startup to the global stage? Join us in Dubai for the
Unveiling the Power of Collaboration and Innovation at the Collision Event
A Gathering of VisionariesIn the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, few events hold as
CMTS: A report on AI-innovate’s attendance at the Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show
The Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show (CMTS) provided Ai-innovate with a platform to showcase its creative
Unleash the Future of Innovation at the Next Generation Startup 2023!
Mark your calendars for August 26 & 27 as we transform the prestigious Royal Continental
Next Generation StartUps 2023
Ready to take your startup to the global stage? Join us in Dubai for the
Unveiling the Power of Collaboration and Innovation at the Collision Event
A Gathering of VisionariesIn the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, few events hold as
CMTS: A report on AI-innovate’s attendance at the Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show
The Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show (CMTS) provided Ai-innovate with a platform to showcase its creative
Unleash the Future of Innovation at the Next Generation Startup 2023!
Mark your calendars for August 26 & 27 as we transform the prestigious Royal Continental
Next Generation StartUps 2023
Ready to take your startup to the global stage? Join us in Dubai for the